On 7 May 2024, Cheshire East Council launched a consultation on our Bus Service Review. The review looks for opportunities to encourage more bus use and get more supported services operating commercially; tweak services to improve performance and passenger uptake; and get better value out of what the council is spending.

The consultation seeks views of bus users and non-bus users to understand where improvements can be made to encourage more people to travel by bus.

In addition, three proposals have been put forward as part of the review to amend service provision in targeted parts of the borough:

  • Proposal 1: Nantwich rural service modification
  • Proposal 2: 391/392 service upgrade
  • Proposal 3: Flexible transport in Cheshire East

Details of these proposals are summarised within the attached document alongside the objectives of the Bus Service Review.

The consultation will be live for 8 weeks until Wednesday 3 July 2024 and can be found here: https://surveys.cheshireeast.gov.uk/s/BusServiceReview2024/

Paper copies of the survey are also available in libraries and at customer contact centres across the borough.